D-Kingdom RULES and GUIDE

The rules and such for D-Kingdom.

D-Kingdom RULES and GUIDE

Postby Jason the Great » Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:35 pm

Things will be done in D-Kingdom a little more differently than the other AU's.

Manifestor The name for one who manifests and is connected to a Familiar.

Familiar What the Digimon are referred to.

Pendant A symbol of the connection between Manifestor and Familiar. Takes different forms, depending on the person. Any form of jewelry or wearable item. As long as it can be held on your person, it can be a Pendant. Must contain at least one colored jewel.

Aesir: The rulers of the 5 primary kingdoms are referred to as the Aesir.

Familiar's Blessings Supernatural abilities or enhancements recieved from the power of your Familiar. They fall into 4 categories:

Physical - These include enhancements such as Super Strength, Enhanced Speed, Unnatural Endurance...Anything purely physical.

Elemental - What can be more easily referred to as 'Magic'. Purely offensive. The Element must match the character's Affinity. If it does not, then the maximum level of the ability is reduced by one. If it is the opposite, it cannot be known at all.

Illness - Known in RPGs as 'Debuffs'. Stuff like poisoning, making a character physically or mentally ill, etc.

Health - Entirely 'Buffs' and 'Healing Magic'.

Each Blessing can be advanced from level 1 up to a maximum of level 3. Not all classes allow this, however.

Elemental Affinity: This is a person's natural element. This applies to the type of attacks they can use, a Dragonkin's Breath weapon, what magical items work best with them, and what magic works best against them.

Fire <-> Water
Lightning <-> Earth
Air <-> Toxin
Dark <-> Light

Classes: The classes and what they allow are as follows:

-Physical Blessing: Max Level 3
-Physical Blessing: Max Level 2

-Physical Blessing: Max Level 2
-Physical Blessing: Max Level 1
-Illness Blessing: Max Level 2
-Elemental Blessing: Max Level 1

-Elemental Blessing: Max Level 3
-Elemental Blessing: Max Level 2

-Health Blessing: Max Level 3
-Health Blessing: Max Level 2

Advanced Classes: Advanced Classes upgrade your current class when you meet certain requirements. More on these when they become available.

Unique Classes: These are classes that cannot normally be attained by PCs unless for storyline reasons. Some, but not all, include:

-Any Blessing: Max Level 3
-Any Blessing: Max Level 3
-Any Blessing: Max Level 3
-Any Blessing: Max Level 3

Royal Knight
-Physical Blessing: Max Level 3
-Physical Blessing: Max Level 2
-Elemental Blessing: Max Level 3

-Any Blessing: Max Level 3
-Any Blessing: Max Level 3
-Any Blessing: Max Level 2
-Any Blessing: Max Level 2
-Any Blessing: Max Level 2
-Any Blessing: Max Level 2

-Health Blessing: Max Level 3
-Health Blessing: Max Level 3
-Health Blessing: Max Level 2
-Elemental Blessing: Max Level 3
-Physical Blessing: Max Level 2

Legendary Victory: A Legendary Victory point is awarded when a character overcomes a particularly difficult or noteworthy challenge. All Advanced Classes require a number of Legendary Victories.

Missions will earn you EXP points. These points may be allocated to several things. The main purpose, however, is for powering up your Familiar's Blessings. It takes 10 points to level from 1 to 2, and 15 additional points to level from 2 to 3.
Humans require 8 points instead of 10, and 13 intead of 15.

Indicate it as such on your Profile:
Name of Blessing / Type / Lv. # / EXP: #
Most standard Missions will net you 1 EXP. I know this seems feeble, but Storyline rps that your character participates in may earn them upwards of 5 or 6 EXP, depending on what happens. Plus other rewards.

This is in regards to how to appropriately equip and use Magic Items. I'm not going over everything, but here are the things that may get confusing:

Magic Rings: You can wear up to 10 Magic Rings, HOWEVER Rings are activated by HAND not by FINGER. If you have 3 Rings on one Hand, they activate together and combine their abilities, resulting in sometimes positive, but usually negative effects. As for these effects...Try them yourself to find out if rings are compatible.

Magic Amulets/Necklaces: Unlike Rings, you can wear these to your heart's content, just keep in mind how stupid bling looks. Each amulet/necklace has a special command word that must be spoken to activate it's effects.

Magic Boots/Gloves/Armor Sets: No, you can't mix and match.

Magic Weapons: If it is in your hand, you can use it's ability, except in very specific circumstances.
Magic items are also very adaptable when it comes to their owners. This means they can easily change form to fit their owner. This can go from a simple size change to two people wearing the same magic boots, but one is thigh highed and the other is simply shoes. It will keep most of the same design themes, however.

--If it is not there, you don't have it.
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Jason the Great
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