Dogs and Bears are so last year. CATS, BABY.

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Dogs and Bears are so last year. CATS, BABY.

Postby MasterDJ » Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:07 pm


So! Igor is still in the game, thank the lord and maybe his voice actor won't die shortly after the game is complete this time (seriously it's like the role is cursed). The Velvet Room, now a prison, has two attendants... kids from the looks of it. O_o; It's no Elizabeth, Theo, or Margaret but whatever.

The design aesthetic is fucking smooth as silk. From the menus to the character movements and man that action. The main character is now definitely more interesting. Though it's interesting that the main character doesn't use a sword this time. >.> I do wonder what the thief set up will entail.

Characters look good, I can definitely tell who the Junpei/Yosuke is. New animal friend looks boss. The girl is a nice helping of yes though I wonder if it's just focused on these four peeps.

Oddly enough, the shadows are the same demons used in Shin Megami Tensei/Persona. Not masked monstrosities, I definitely saw Sandman. O_o; Like, multiple Sandman. Placeholders or do you actually get to face other Personas?

Do wish we saw some actual Persona summoning, but hey, the game looks boss. Why we have to wait through a 30 hour livestream is beyond me, though.


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Re: Dogs and Bears are so last year. CATS, BABY. (wap)

Postby Crescent » Thu Feb 05, 2015 1:44 pm

The aesthetics look great, and thief/vigilante PCs are awesome

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Re: Dogs and Bears are so last year. CATS, BABY.

Postby Crescent » Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:23 pm


Planning a heist 8D ....Nyaa >_>
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Re: Dogs and Bears are so last year. CATS, BABY.

Postby Akurei Nagisa » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:31 pm

This game definitely took some good?/interesting? lessons from Catherine, now didn't it? >_> Also that fuckin' cat. He's like a feline baby of Koromaru and Teddie. Not sure about THAT shit, I tell you what. <_<;;

ANYWAY. That menu animation is gonna get old real fast, I can tell you that for nothing, but it fits well with the general aesthetic of the city. We're going a lot more urban and mildly dystopian than Tatsumi Port or Inaba this time, huh? Kind of reminded me of Grand Theft Auto or somethin' but with RAAAAAIIIINBOWS.

The phantom-thief thing is curious. I wonder if that'll be our tie to P4? That this had to do with Naoto's old nemesis? That'd be kind of rad, if they went with it. The protagonist is kinda adorable, gotta say; dunno about Maybe Magician Arcana, he looks bland; the cat is Potentially Awesome?; the girl has a very strong design and I like her a lot. Costumes get REAL WACKY this time around. Maybe that's part of the whole "masks" imagery they're going with here; the thematic seems to be borrowing a little bit from P4, what with the breaking away from the facade of modern society, but more aggressively than P4 was. P4 was about accepting your true self and seeing through lies; this looks to be a bit more "break free and then burn down the falsehoods/turn the falsehoods into your weapon".

Sneaking mechanic looks boss as fuck, here's hoping it doesn't get annoying or require a lot of buttons.

The threat seems to be bigger than a killer this time, if Possessed Engineer is any indication, that shit was creepy. Plus what the fuck was up with the bit at the end, with the blue flames? Is that the protagonist facing his Shadow, or is that his awakening--is that how Personas work now? Cause if so we're back to creepytown in a big way, though I don't mind necessarily.

All in all I'm cautiously hype. The one thing I don't like is this uh...this fighting Sandman thing. What the fuck? This is Persona. I don't want to play Shin Megami Tensei, guys. If I did, I'd have bought SMTIV.

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Re: Dogs and Bears are so last year. CATS, BABY.

Postby Akurei Nagisa » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:36 pm

Also, wild speculation on the mythological theme of the game! Since P3 was up to its ears in Greek mythology for the protagonists, while P4 delved into Shinto origins for everyone...the one glimpse we saw of what I think was the protag's Persona, the big winged thing with the top hat, makes me wonder if we're going straight folktales? Ooh, or maybe Irish/Celtic myth? That could be rad, if they do it well. Necessitate a lot of Persona shuffling around given certain designs from previous, but they could make it work! Not like Cerberus didn't show up in P4 looking nothing like Koromaru's rad version, y'know.


UPDATE: Credit to Justin for this image of the protag's incredibly creepy Persona! That face, man. Jeebus. @_@; Could be more "JOKER" imagery? The two-tone mask could carry a hint too. It's very hard to tell.

UPDATE x2 COMBO!!!: Soooo it turns out that the Persona is probably not just called "The Joker" or anything, given that the Protagonist himself goes by the nicknames "the Joker" and "the Phantom" in his thief identity. (Sourced from the Megami Tensei Wiki: "[The Protagonist] is a juvenile delinquent attending a reform school who moonlights as a cat burglar known as The Phantom." It also mentions his Joker alias, and that he wields knives and pistols.)

Further tidbits of information | +
Ryuji Sakamoto (坂本 竜司): A yellow haired boy who attends the Protagonist's school and joins the Protagonist in his heists. Wears a skull mask and wields bludgeons and shotguns as weapons.

Anne Takamaki (高巻 杏): A blonde girl in the Protagonist's homeroom, who joins the Protagonist in his heists. Wears a cat mask and uses whips and submachine guns.

Morgana (モルガナ): A shapeshifting cat that joins the protagonist in his heists and has some sort of connection to the Seven Deadly Sins. Wields swords and slingshots.

FINALLY! We have apparent confirmation that the game will take place in Shibuya. Because Atlus loves Shibuya a little too much. 9_9; The reform school will be called Shujin Academy.

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Re: Dogs and Bears are so last year. CATS, BABY.

Postby MasterDJ » Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:15 am

A reform school? Oh my...

Anne... Anne... I could have sworn that's also the name of a similar designed girl in Persona 2..Probably wrong. Can't really check that at work as wikia's either are blocked or come out a hot mess on the computers here.

Also, calling it. The fucking Persona is named LUPIN.

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Re: Dogs and Bears are so last year. CATS, BABY.

Postby Yoshino Shurensuki » Fri Feb 06, 2015 7:29 am

Since no one else linked it. >_>

phpBB [media]

One of the commenters seems pretty accurate and while I could reword it and repost, I'm going to toss it as a quote. Not sure if I should Spoiler. >_>; BUT.

Chon Pak wrote:The prison cell is probably where the Velvet Room is based on as said by many others.

In P3, the Velvet Room is an elevator that ascends endlessly, mirroring the situation the protagonist is in. He is aimlessly going forward, not knowing what else is better. It stops when he finally found the answer and died for his friends, signifying the end of his path.

In P4, we have a limousine driving through a dense fog. This reflects on how the protagonist is unsure of his future, hence his path is blurred. There are many secrets that he needs to learn - the secret of his own feelings. He needs to understand what he really wants and choose a path in which he won't regret.

For P5, we have a theme that relates to breaking the chains of society and trying to be someone unconventional. It probably is a prison cell as it illustrates the fact the protagonist is locked up in this society and forced to conform. His nerdy look is a way to fit in and conform to the society's standards. He is constantly trying to break out of his cell, which ended up with him as a delinquent. Hence, a prison cell is very appropriate. The Velvet Room will once change again after the protagonist understands how to break free of the entrapment and learn the true value of human relations, breaking the cell open.

Also, Cam, you mentioned about Persona Summoning, there's a minor possibility the end of that video hints at something since seeing Graham's link of the Protagonist's Persona kinda made me think of that... so...? >>

But yes, the cat! Cat! I'm not ashamed to say I r hype. >_>

Also, I'm worried about the gameplay being so intense... I might not be able to play it. ;_;

Depending on the movement, I might have to just watch Graham play it. ; 3;

(Ignoring that we will have to get a PS4, but we kinda had been thinking about it anyway. >_>)
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Re: Dogs and Bears are so last year. CATS, BABY.

Postby MasterDJ » Fri Feb 06, 2015 8:21 am

Noooooo you don't. The game is also coming out on PS3.

Final Fantasy Type Zero
Final Fantasy 15
Kingdom Hearts 3

... >_>;; I don't count P5 since it's also on PS3 and I know it can handle the game since it's the same engine as Catherine. Sorry folks but I need more than three RPGs to warrant the purchase of the PS4 just yet. The PS3 and it's back catalogue is still serving me just fine... doesn't help that my PS3 is mainly an Atlus game machine at the moment. >.> Then again, so is my 3DS.

If backwards compatibility was still a thing I would have bought one by now. >_<

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Re: Dogs and Bears are so last year. CATS, BABY.

Postby Akurei Nagisa » Fri Feb 06, 2015 10:31 am

Dogg no, you're not buying Final Fantasy XV, are you? >_______________>; Do you expect it to be something other than 9+ hours of cutscenes and a plot Squaresoft made from scraps off Atlus' floor pieced together with nonsense they decided to capitalize? Because I think you will be sorely disappointed. <_________________<;;;;;

"Okay so what if it was steampunk Not-Ivalice and they were sapping the mana of the planet to feed to their inscrutable summon monster gods who aren't the classic summon monsters except for like three of them maybe and then there's a really weird relationship plot that doesn't make sense and several people are too old/young!!!!!!!!1!"

(*: this is total speculation and I haven't checked the actual plot because Why Care...though now I remember that a spoiler had the main villain was super old David Bowie-looking guy who wore white leather Templar outfit for no reason and was an emperor??? Even less reason to check it out)

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Re: Dogs and Bears are so last year. CATS, BABY.

Postby Crescent » Tue Feb 10, 2015 10:27 pm

Vega Crescent 9:26 pm
P5 Protag's initial Persona is Arsène

Graham Swanson 9:26 pm
...Cam is owed a Coke.

I, for one, welcome all the Lupin refs >_>
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Re: Dogs and Bears are so last year. CATS, BABY.

Postby MasterDJ » Wed Feb 11, 2015 12:28 am

Oh god my please have a Zenigata.

>_> Be a nice way to toss in Naoto or Dojima. Just saying.

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