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[2543] Artist: Crescent | Title: Concept - Visaurmon | Time: unknown
Pic #2543

Crescent @ Tuesday, February 8th 2022, 8:55 PM
Super rough concept I'm workshopping. This is the partner of someone popping up in World Tour. Visaurmon (vision, as in spirit/appiration, + saur, with a bit of "vice" for good measure, take that Cam always complaining that I make up random words for Digimon names >_>)

Taking some inspiration from Kamen Rider Revice's demons, he is a dinosaur and ghost mashup with evolutions styled largely in similar manners and as chimeras etc.

I... like what I'm onto? But also not sure if there should be a little more to the design? The dinosaur elements are almost supposed to sorta be occupied-spirit, here I drew them more like a Gabumon's pelt, I almost feel like maybe I should drop the "ghost" hands underneath and only have the dinosaur arms? I also drew the transition from dinosaur parts to bare skeleton pretty suddenly, thinking the shift should be a bit more gradual. Also debating having the bottom legless ghost blob at all and maybe basically combining that into the tail instead?
Sketch Meister @ Tuesday, February 8th 2022, 9:11 PM
Real talk I really dig this. If there was anything I'd say to add maybe white pupils like an SD Gundam?
Akurei Nagisa @ Monday, February 21st 2022, 2:29 PM
Oooh, I like the little white pupils idea. 8D

Also, hooray more Death Evolutions! >_> Wightmon needs good buddies da na, so he isn't forced to babysit Angelo all the time.

Angelo: DX Hey!!

[2542] Artist: Crescent | Title: The Roaring Stardust | Time: unknown
Pic #2542

Crescent @ Thursday, February 3rd 2022, 6:43 PM
If Nana's not the character I've drawn the most, then she's second to only Jade... but I haven't drawn Nana in forever o 3o;;; I also noticed that in said forever ago I had developed a tendency to keep exaggerating her, from the poofiness of her hair to some of her proportions. So kinda wanted to do a bit of a reset to get her back where she's supposed to be. Short, a bit of a natural thickness to her, athletic but not too muscular, with a not-overblown emphasis on her hips and thighs.

Decided to draw her in something Lio Gold-inspired from the Armor Sentai Crownranger thread; didn't come out exactly as desired,but didn't want to spend a lot of time on this u 3u
Sketch Meister @ Thursday, February 3rd 2022, 7:09 PM
Oh no she's cute. D8

Really dig her top and her expression. Hair is pretty ace too, man. o3o
Akurei Nagisa @ Thursday, February 3rd 2022, 7:12 PM
Fuck, that top really is cute. T-minus 5 seconds to Suzuhana tearing it off her and—

Suzuhana: ::POUNCE::

—as I was saying. Top game and hair game are strong, though are her thighs really that extreme-level thicc? o 3o; Cause damn.
Sketch Meister @ Thursday, February 3rd 2022, 7:23 PM
Them Yumeno genes at work. >.>
Crescent @ Thursday, February 3rd 2022, 7:31 PM
I admit that was the problem with finding a pose like this that I liked while trying to do "okay let's nail her proportions" XD It was hard for me to get them exactly in this pose. They are thicc and toned, yes, Divine Crown Lion's low center of gravity is dependent on them. But are they maybe a bit much here?

Like besides referencing some of my own old Nana art, Cam's ooooold cheesecake of her here: was something I considered hitting her pretty well (while as my older art of her kinda trended either a bit to thin or a bit too thick).

So yeah, maybe I tried a bit too hard on the thickness? I do like Nana's bodytype as something a bit unique, we have petite small girls and we have fit small girls, but she's a sort of both naturally athletic and naturally soft that's a bit bottom heavy u 3u
Sketch Meister @ Thursday, February 3rd 2022, 7:46 PM
I mean I literally work with a woman with this build. Maybe yeah, scale back a touch but this is more than possible.

[2541] Artist: Akurei Nagisa | Title: What Does The Fox Say? She's Very Sorry, Akurei-sama~... | Time: unknown
Pic #2541

Akurei Nagisa @ Thursday, February 3rd 2022, 3:02 PM
...>_> Akurei, I think you might've overdone it. Just a little. Did the fact you pumped her so full she can barely move not tip you off?

...Elegy doesn't exactly look penitent, does she? >_> No, that's a cute little raspberry she's blowing. Way to go, Akurei. She's completely forgotten this was supposed to be a punishment. >_>

Akurei: DX I thought--Look, shut up!!!

Also, what was the buttplug supposed to do, Mr. Fluffy Tail Abuser? >_>

Crescent @ Tuesday, February 1st 2022, 10:51 PM
Akurei runs a house of discipline and floof and he's all out of discipline u 3u

Expression's again great and the creampie/cum looks fantastic o 3o~

And look, if Akurei couldn't help himself before addressing the buttplug, at least he has two other butts to service > 3>
Sketch Meister @ Wednesday, February 2nd 2022, 12:13 AM

...Admittedly this looks pretty damn hot. o3o
Akurei Nagisa @ Wednesday, February 2nd 2022, 12:19 AM
No, this was a punishment for sins. Elegy was the sinner here. >_> We must hope that being filled with the holy seed of the Preserver taught her a lesson.

Thanatos: I am certain Elegy-chan learned something. *~ 3~*

[2540] Artist: Akurei Nagisa | Title: What Does The Fox Say? Well, She's Kind Of Busy... | Time: unknown
Pic #2540

Akurei Nagisa @ Tuesday, February 1st 2022, 9:42 PM
...But if she didn't have Akurei's cock halfway down her throat, I have it on good authority she'd tell him "A-Akurei-sama, don't stare so..."...

And then whine "C-Cadence-sama, why the camera?! *; 3;*" at her own partner, whom we know is mercilessly recording this.

HOWEVER, our dear Rekidenmon is nothing if not dutiful, so instead she settles for a cute, plaintive look, an ear-wiggle, and a muffled whimper. u 3u
Crescent @ Tuesday, February 1st 2022, 10:36 PM
I mean, this is the price you pay for ruining yet another furniture store, Elegy u 3u

o 3o Expression is indeed spot-on.
Sketch Meister @ Wednesday, February 2nd 2022, 12:15 AM
Expression is great, though the hands are a bit small from the looks of it. I do, also, really dig the light twitch lines around the ears. 8D
Akurei Nagisa @ Wednesday, February 2nd 2022, 12:27 AM
Yeah, I erred on the side of hands being too small. I’ll fix that the next time I draw Elegy being cruelly* forced** into giving Akurei head. u_u Or less-cruelly forced into giving Thanatos head, obviously.

(I love shy, demure, proper girls doing terrible slutty things. I know this is a moral failing. u_u However, as noted, Elegy asked for this.)
JDeschain19 @ Thursday, February 3rd 2022, 12:14 PM
A good way of telling is if the fingers are spread out, the hand should be roughly the size of the face o 3o Tho eventually you just get a feel for this kind of stuff.

Akurei Nagisa @ Thursday, February 3rd 2022, 2:24 PM
That’s actually a really good tip to know, thank you. o 3o~

[2539] Artist: Akurei Nagisa | Title: What Does The Fox Say, Akurei? | Time: unknown
Pic #2539

Akurei Nagisa @ Tuesday, February 1st 2022, 9:10 PM
...>_> The answer to that question kind of depends on the panel, huh?

AHEM. So. Elegy and Thanatos, while they are very faithful partners, have this terrible habit of wreaking untold havoc on Cyan's furniture stores. While they're careful not to leave evidence, Akurei still knows exactly who's responsible, and he tries to make sure via Daedalus that these poor innocent furniture store owners and carpenters don't lose their house because his and Cadence's Digimon just HAD to get it on there. It's very stressful.

...Imagine coming back from World Tour and like, not even a day or two after the boy gets back, the Furniture Barn is ruined. For the fifth time. All the meek Rekidenmon apologies in the world don't fix that.

So this time, Cadence puts her foot down, too. >_> And tells Elegy if she's really sorry, she can demonstrate it to Akurei-sama, now can't she?

...You can tell where this ended up.

...Camille got involved mostly by virtue of being there to fool around with Cadence and Akurei. XD

God, this got away from me. >_>; Is it a scenario that might spawn its own lemon series? No friggin' comment.
Crescent @ Tuesday, February 1st 2022, 10:34 PM
Camille: >_> Look, sometimes it's important to be firm with the discipline.

This turned out excellent, dude o 3o Like all the little details. But yeah, coloring, fluids, action details all primo.

For some reason, the coloring and shading on the reds in particular really stand out to me, even if they only really amount to Akurei's hair and Camille's collar XD
Sketch Meister @ Wednesday, February 2nd 2022, 12:16 AM
Really ambitious piece here and it's been great to see how it came together over the last week. ^^ It tells a story all its own and without any text, which I def respect.

JDeschain19 @ Thursday, February 3rd 2022, 12:13 PM
Good job on finishing such a big piece O:!

Proud of you

This is the kind of Get Along content we all crave u vu
Akurei Nagisa @ Thursday, February 3rd 2022, 2:27 PM
Thank you, thank you. ^ o^

While Elegy is the star of the show here, obviously, I’m also really happy with how Cadence came out.

[2538] Artist: JDeschain19 | Title: Celia #GrisSwimsuit #ExtraSausage | Time: unknown
Pic #2538

JDeschain19 @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 4:35 PM
Celia just gets more and more accustomed to this added feature from her Lust Digimental, the to point it's starting to seem downright natural. I had to include this version as well, as it's prolly what she would prefer.

Ladies, let your minds wander even deeper...
Crescent @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 4:39 PM
How lewd, Celia XD

Camille: >_>

Yes, it's a shame Celia didn't have a Lust Digimental before she met Riiko, you'll live u 3u
Sketch Meister @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 6:06 PM
Oooh jeez.

Riiko: Everyone out, this requires investigation!

[2537] Artist: JDeschain19 | Title: Celia #GrisSwimsuit | Time: unknown
Pic #2537

JDeschain19 @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 4:33 PM
Once again tiny cause of sketcher limitations but I'll see if Graham can fix it again.

There's a new artist meme I really wanted to try with this Swimsuit, and I was particularly excited to paint the clear part so I picked Celia with all her interesting muscles...~

Ladies, let your minds wander...
Crescent @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 4:38 PM
Oh wow, this looks fantastic o 3o The lighting on the clear parts of the swimsuit's really cool, yeah u 3u And I love the background.
Sketch Meister @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 6:04 PM
LOVE the background, especially against the white of Celia's jacket. I was wondering when you'd finish up this challenge.

Riiko: o3o Summer came early...

And so have you?

Akurei Nagisa @ Wednesday, February 2nd 2022, 3:11 PM
Cuttin' a hell of a figure as always, Celia. u vu The lighting pops here and I really like her hair. Plus the tropical background is kinda this cool vaporwavey energy.

[2535] Artist: Sketch Meister | Title: Mortal Sins Pt. 1 (In Medias Res) | Time: unknown
Pic #2535

Sketch Meister @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 2:07 AM
Decided to help Graham with one of his little projects, cuz gotta support that elven debauchery. o3o
Akurei Nagisa @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 3:02 AM
Just like that second part to Robyn's breakfast adventure, you've taken a perspective I doubted and worked magic with it. u vu Magnifique. The saliva work here is extremely choice.

Also I hope everyone who encouraged rights for Gabriel is suitably ashamed. Look at this man. Look at his violating his own partner. Disgraceful. D8<
JDeschain19 @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 4:31 AM
Lots of people violate their partners, it's fine, it's fine u 3u/

gj tho Cam o 3o/ This green elf is very very cute and deserves hard dickings.
Crescent @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 12:19 PM
Gabriel just knows that it's an excellent way to share LoE u 3u
Sketch Meister @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 12:34 PM
He learned from OG Fate/Stay. Man's a scholar here, not a degenerate.
Akurei Nagisa @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 3:04 PM
...You joke, but Gabriel is enough of a huge nerd that he could actually make that reference later, in canon, when something like this actually happens. XDD

Gabriel: *>////>*;;; I-I don't think I would, I think even kneeling Alice could tweak both my ears for that.

She's an Elven-type, so probably. Dextrous little minxes. >_>

[2534] Artist: Sketch Meister | Title: Mortal Sins Pt. 1 (Conclusion) | Time: unknown
Pic #2534

Sketch Meister @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 2:06 AM

Yoinks! And away!

So in all of this the Wookie of all people didn't realize the hentai ramifications of his own character.

Me: What does his DE do exactly?

Wookie: Blood of the Lamb (need to come up with an Advance DE name but anyway) allows Gabriel to channel what I defined as "a miraculous effect" through his blood--hence it can form weaponry, explode with holy force, heal others, etc.; the effect is bounded mostly by Gabriel's imagination but it has to be something blood can conceivably do, he's not Roy or Erica here.

Me: .....

So miracles with blood

Like say...maintaining a constant erection

Wookie: ...

Me: Or manipulating blood flow to increase cum output.

...Fuck XD
[11:33 AM]
You're not wrong

Me: Motherfucker did you seriously not consider that

Wookie: Gabriel you pervert

Me: You gave THE PREACHER Auto-Viagra
Capable of being instacast
And limited only by his energy reserves.

(Edited on January 15, 2022, 2:12 am)
Crescent @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 2:34 AM
Gabriel is secretly one of DU's most lewd characters u 3u

Nana: o 3o And that's saying something.

Looks great. Besides the mess and her expression, I can't help but be drawn to how good the black shading on her rings and bracers are XD
Akurei Nagisa @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 3:10 AM

Gabriel: ; 3; M-maybe it's neither!


The mess effects ended up really great here. o uo ...Dammit, I might actually have to do that 1.5 idea of Alice Na cleaning herself up...

Also, look. Look. >_> It's Gabriel. I THOUGHT maybe he wasn't going to go down the path of DEBAUCHERY.
Sketch Meister @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 12:37 PM
The same was said about Alma.

And Asher.

And Anemone.

And the Genomon.

And Hanabi.

And Celia and Synne were supposed to die.


(Edited on January 15, 2022, 12:38 pm)
Akurei Nagisa @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 3:05 PM
I'm forced to admit it's actually still hilarious.

[2533] Artist: Akurei Nagisa | Title: Mortal Sins (Pt. 2) | Time: unknown
Pic #2533

Akurei Nagisa @ Friday, January 14th 2022, 4:56 PM
After that clothing error pic and the realization that Sidhemon is actually kind of a shortstack, I toyed idly with the idea of doing a full-on lewd of her.

And then it became a full-on lewd of her Tamer, too. >_> Gabriel, what the fuck. You're supposed to be a man of the cloth! What is wrong with you?!?

Gabriel: *;//////;*

Just awful. The actual worst. Jail for Gabriel. Jail for Gabriel for ten thousand years.
JDeschain19 @ Friday, January 14th 2022, 5:01 PM
He's a man out of the cloth now HEYO

gj tho I'm glad you got to work on smth ' v'
Sketch Meister @ Friday, January 14th 2022, 5:04 PM



Kasumi: ::lightning strikes and thunder claps as Kasumi is laughing maniacally::

I dig the showcasing of a body type that isn't as built as our other characters for a change. Big boys need (elf) love too! o3o Also nice that was have more Sidhemon art, I feel like Alice Na doesn't get enough art.
Crescent @ Friday, January 14th 2022, 5:05 PM
Very nice work o 3o Great job with Sidhemon's saliva. And extending the redness to her ears is a very nice little detail too u 3u

But how lewd, Gabriel u_u

...Though I recently pointed out to Cam how Gabriel is in the very kinky tiny minority of Stability's.... pure monogamy XD
Sketch Meister @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 2:15 AM
Imagine monogamy being a kink...actually that sounds on brand given the locale...
Akurei Nagisa @ Saturday, January 15th 2022, 3:12 AM
Gabriel, you're going to have to work overtime now to prove you're a normal pervert, and not one of those freaks who like handholding. u__u

[2532] Artist: Crescent | Title: ExRushmon "Roux" v2 | Time: unknown
Pic #2532

Crescent @ Friday, January 14th 2022, 4:16 PM
I felt like taking yet another stab at Roux to continue to work on my general Digimon designs. I looked toward some more catgirl refs as well as Jess's design/Cam's art for Maneshimon, taking inspiration from the former on the use of bracers and thigh-highs as a simple point of delineation between more animal and human bits o 3o

Design's not quite final... belt should probably be a bit bigger, a "digital" camo pattern might be more appropriate for her top, and was unsure of whether to stick with the new shorts look or just extend them to the thigh bands, but Cam has interest in putting a cherry on top of her design at some point, so I figured I'd just cut my losses here XD

Probably should actually draw her with her rifle at some point again, especially since "Sniper Cat" was the original starting point for her design u 3u
Sketch Meister @ Friday, January 14th 2022, 4:24 PM
Oh yeah, way more Digimon, now. She's pretty cute now that we have a better angle of her.

And agreed on the belt being bigger.

Maybe we can look at some Metal Empire Digimon for pointers on the cybernetics, cuz even I'm hitting a bit of a wall when it comes to more mechanically inclined design.
Crescent @ Friday, January 14th 2022, 4:49 PM
Oh yeah, that's a good idea, especially in the lead-up to introducing her B-Line, which leans more into the cybernetics.
Akurei Nagisa @ Friday, January 14th 2022, 5:02 PM
The nostrils are a bit jarring for me, but I really like the more cat-like elements and I dig the cybernetic wires being on more than just the one arm. o 3o
Crescent @ Friday, January 14th 2022, 5:07 PM
Oh whoops XDD I feel like I did mean to add in more proper nose definition. And yeah, all the wires have a vague-ish purpose u 3u Unused hookup on her left arm would be a connection to her rifle.

[2531] Artist: Sketch Meister | Title: The Sparkling Caregiver! Okasmon | Time: unknown
Pic #2531

Sketch Meister @ Thursday, January 13th 2022, 12:02 PM
I designed this rabbit a LONG long time ago. Like I this I was still in high fact I'm definitely sure I was in high school.

Primary Village, whether you go by the dub term or the original Village of Beginnings (I prefer the dub here) always had a caretaker within the mythos. Depending on the various anime, manga, and videogames the caretakers span from Elecmon, Swanmon, Jijimon, Babamon, etc. I honestly preferred how Frontier did it (Swanmon) as Elecmon is just a Child-level made responsible for the continued cycle of life and though the level issue is nonexistent with the Jijimon/Babamon usage I always felt it kinda wrong to leave what are essentially the grandparents to deal with so many kids.

So in DDT, and I think it was around Easter for us, I made Okasmon, a Rabbit Digimon who is responsible for the Digitama and resulting Baby Digimon before they get sent out into the world proper. In DDT there is only a single Okasmon, and the role is passed on as time dictates. In DU there are instead several that work in shifts.

Also in DU I somehow came to the conclusion that she needed to look more "motherly" and I apologize for how my brain commanded by hand, blame the Omicron. D8

Sketch Meister @ Thursday, January 13th 2022, 12:08 PM
Within the mythos of DU Primary Village is held in a reinforced D-Field that changes location constantly, a fail-safe Yggdrasil put in place in the event he was ever compromised. Up to even the current season the Royal Knights are constantly searching for the location as the one who controls Primary Village essentially controls the cycle of life in the Digital World. The DJ, for his part, prefers Primary Village stay neutral and besides the D-Field has other defenses in place to prevent hostile takeover.

Funny enough, a LONG time ago I had a thread idea that pertained to such an invasion by Tamers, albeit accidentally. The end result would have been the first show of The DJ being angry and in that rage temporarily halts every Contract the Tamers held, meaning no powers...and no effects of their wishes.

I ditched the idea as it would have meant such bad times like: Dagrus would have suddenly gotten a phone call saying that Chika stopped breathing (his wish saved her life at birth) and Soma would suddenly lose the ability to walk, crumbling to the ground at a crucial moment he would need to move, etc. To be fair, I think I was in a particularly dark mood when I thought of it. ^__^;;;
Benjamin @ Thursday, January 13th 2022, 12:22 PM
Damn, she's thicc, but yeah I'm definitely feeling the Easter motif.
Akurei Nagisa @ Thursday, January 13th 2022, 12:33 PM
Some of you might remember her old color scheme, which was white with some pink, and this color scheme of pink with some white I call a vast improvement. I also dig the matrix gem inclusion.

…I helped encourage the thiccness, and, look. >_> If the Genomon-MOTHER is probably kind of troublingly hot, the least we can do is have the Village mom be just as hot. Or more. >.> She’s still wholesome! Just…

I think we may have had similar invasion ideas, waaay back in the day? I remember idly thinking of a “Daedalus besieges Primary Village (I also prefer the dub name here and I’m usually a pro-sub fanatic)” thing back when the Initiative were supposed to be like, arc villains. I don’t remember ever mentioning it though! I thought I just sorta mulled it over and tossed the idea.

These days the greatest invasion threat would be Roy. Or Suzuhana. Keep those two degenerates away from bunny mom. DX

Suzuhana: > u> I like a challenge.
Sketch Meister @ Thursday, January 13th 2022, 12:44 PM
Look the thiccness thickness is warranted, she has to keep eggs warm!

Roy: Yo wait why are we the threats? Ah'd like to think we're more of a public service.

Crescent @ Thursday, January 13th 2022, 1:18 PM
Colors look great, I like the little flourishes with the darker purples. Matrix gem is a nice throwback.

Nana: We all know why she's thick u 3u
JDeschain19 @ Thursday, January 13th 2022, 4:01 PM
Bun looks neat. I'm glad despite the sickness you feel good enough to get some art in. ' v' Mental health is just as important as physical.
Sketch Meister @ Thursday, January 13th 2022, 4:52 PM
I'm on the mend now, at least. Probably tomorrow I can wake up early and go for a walk around the neighborhood. I'm still banned from work 'til Tuesday but hey, I can function. Might as well art it up while I can.
GoldClaw @ Friday, January 14th 2022, 3:03 AM
The color palette is much better and less loud. Like, she looks better in this color scheme.

Also. She thicc and has to be classified by holy law, she is a MILF. A THICC MILF.

Mike: *tugs collar* Well. The apron does suit her form.

>.> You're not a milf lover ar-*Gunshot*

Mike: ... There is no need for an answer.

[2530] Artist: Sketch Meister | Title: Apply Heat When Ready (Pt. 1) | Time: unknown
Pic #2530

Sketch Meister @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 3:55 PM
This is the clean version of the previous pic. Figured I'd post it up just cuz not everyone is into mess.
JDeschain19 @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 3:57 PM
It's verycutesexy. You go, Chuukon u vu

...I imagine oral sex is a particularly intense experience with her sense of taste, come to think of it.
Akurei Nagisa @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 3:57 PM
Also it’s a wonderful demonstration of how hot Chuukon is, a thing that must never be forgotten again. u vu

Jason: you would be completely correct. >_> Chuukon is way way into oral.

(Edited on January 9, 2022, 3:59 pm)
Sketch Meister @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 3:59 PM
It will be enshrined in the codex. -3- ::bows::
Crescent @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 4:17 PM
I mean, besides the sans mess thing, this just works really well as a Part 1 to the other pic's Part 2 XD It manages to be super hot even though it's technically not showing anything NSFW u 3u

[2529] Artist: Sketch Meister | Title: At the Boiling Point (Pt. 2) | Time: unknown
Pic #2529

Sketch Meister @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 5:56 AM

For my last pic I wanted to test out the ol' mess as that's a topic I haven't used in CSP yet. Jason sent me a lesson on the stuff and I think I did fairly well for my first time out with it in this program. So think of this as a test.

That said, Chuukon came out on top once I mulled over who to use for this one, and hot damn I forgot how hot the girl is. >_>;; Blues is a lucky genetic experiment.

Blues: >_> Hush. Let me enjoy this.

(Edited on January 9, 2022, 3:55 pm)
Akurei Nagisa @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 6:24 AM
I’m shocked you ever forgot how stacked dear Chuukon was, but your rendering of her here is top notch. Delightful.

The mess…I really like the drip effect and the overall flow, but…I think it looks a little too thick, this cum does. It needs more transparency, more…liquid quality to it. o 3o;;

Also the steam over her cheeks blends too much like shading and it looks off, initially.

BEHOLD! All these issues have been fixed! Now it is magnifico~.

(Edited on January 9, 2022, 2:29 pm)
Sketch Meister @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 6:29 AM
Hmmm. Let me try lowering the opacity after I get up, then. I know there was a tool in SAI I used that blended so hard it went through the color but not sure if CSP does it as well.
JDeschain19 @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 12:27 PM
i mean also tho good job for your first time trying with that guide o 3ob

Chuukon megahottie, yes
Crescent @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 12:51 PM
I mean, still really damn nice o 3o Great job with coloring her hair. And the general focus of where the pic starts and ends > 3>

I like the steam, but, yeah, between Chuukon's skin tone and the dark background, it can be a bit hard to pick out.
Akurei Nagisa @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 1:43 PM
The cum is definitely good stuff, and I really really am into it, I think it can be fixed up. o 3o

The steam I'm less sure about. I like it conceptually, but you might just want to blanket lower the opacity on that layer, or make it like, a screen or an overlay layer or something. o 3o;;
Sketch Meister @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 2:30 PM
EDIT: Revised and ready to go! Lowered the opacity on the background, tried a different blender on the steam as well as a different mode and opacity, and rejiggered the mess. Big ups to Graham for helping me.
Akurei Nagisa @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 2:43 PM
DISREGARD PREVIOUS COMMENTARY. o uo What errors there were, Cam has adroitly fixed. Instead, gaze upon the lovely sight of Chuukon trying desperately to show off and not just immediately swallow what she desires. XD

Have I mentioned that I love the quivering here? I do.
Crescent @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 2:47 PM
Okay, yeah, the steam is a lot more obviously that now o 3o And the mouthful looks even better u 3u

[2528] Artist: Sketch Meister | Title: Swimming with Predators (DEEP-DIVE-DANGER) | Time: unknown
Pic #2528

Sketch Meister @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 2:49 AM
Marimon-CUSTOM "Anemone" started out as a very taciturn, militaristic Digimon that was meant to differentiate from how we've portrayed Marimon heavily within the scope of our group's lore.

Unfortunately time does this stupid thing called "character development" and slowly...SLOWLY Anemone has been discovering more of that species goofiness and sweetness...but also their rather ravenous appetites.

Marimon are Aquans. Marimon-CUSTOM leans more into Dragon.

Who's brave enough to take a dip?
JDeschain19 @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 2:52 AM
Good job dude, glad you're getting back into the swing of things.

(Edited on January 9, 2022, 2:56 am)
GoldClaw @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 2:54 AM
* 3* Well hello there indeed that Marimon-CUSTOM looks really great and damn good.

Your art skills have not yet faded yet.

Impfelomon: *___* Hhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooo Nurse! Ahem! Is it me? Or is getting rather stuffy in here?
Akurei Nagisa @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 2:57 AM
God damn fuck yes. * 3* As the world’s foremost Marimon Appreciator, this is, this is the best, right here. This is the good shit. That lip bite. That cuteness. Those TIDDY.

Anyway. >_> Yes, deep sea dragons are dangerous. Sounds like a job for a hero of some kind... I wonder who fits that description?
Sketch Meister @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 3:00 AM
Asher: T__T ::wielding the Nemesis:: Yes. Tell me of these "heroes".

Akurei Nagisa @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 3:04 AM
8D;;;; Would you believe they’re entirely hypothetical, put down the trident??? Please put down the trident! You like heroism! Frey’s a hero!!

Kira: ~_~ We’ve both threatened Mr. Solwulff before, I don’t think that’s as effective as you think it is.

Ah god dammit. DX
Crescent @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 3:26 AM
Oh dear > 3> Those aresome nice Marimon things, yes. Coloring's great, and the bit of ourple goes really nice with all the blue.

And look, world needs heroes u 3u

[2527] Artist: Crescent | Title: Seeing Red | Time: unknown
Pic #2527

Crescent @ Friday, January 7th 2022, 7:49 PM
While we're posting smut, here's an art rescue. Did most of this some time ago... effectively as an excuse to draw Jasmine's Enigma Red tattoo XD This went through a few variations of more ambitious additions before I just decided to cut my losses and get something finished.

So here's some simple Jasmine and Polluxmon; also showing that his Demon Arm isn't Cyrus's only demonic appendage u 3u I consulted with Graham some in advance but didn't really show progress pics of the arm or its coloring or anything, so not sure how accurate it is u 3u The masses of tendrils and the general desire to make the arm look chitin-y also generally suffered from me just wanting to finish this, but hopefully it's a good enough approximation o 3o;
Sketch Meister @ Friday, January 7th 2022, 7:54 PM
Oh so that's what the Enigma Red emblem looks like. o3o I never knew.

I've always loved these angles in hentai, and damn if it doesn't show that Jasmine has the ass to justify her modified uniform. >.>

Blues: ::is working with headphones over his ears, he knows how long this goes on::
Akurei Nagisa @ Friday, January 7th 2022, 7:54 PM
Ooooh, this is a damn choice angle. o 3o I like the buttplug, too. Jasmine is always lovely, and the inhuman parts actually looke great, including the Demon Arm.

Also the Enigma Red logo turned out good. If I put that with some Cyrillic Metal Gear text above it, we have a true insignia.

HOWVEVER if you had bugged me about it I would have, or should have, told you Cyrus/Polluxmon's goat features probably cover his thighs in fur. Satyr-type Demon Digimon and all. o xo
JDeschain19 @ Friday, January 7th 2022, 7:56 PM
Nice lewd, always love the whole gem-plug thing o 3o As well as those kinds of stamps u vu Butt Decorations are always nice.
Crescent @ Friday, January 7th 2022, 7:56 PM
Ooh gotcha, gotcha o 3o; Didn't cross my mind to ask about his legs XD But yeah, guess we got enough of his thighs here for that to have been included u 3u

[2526] Artist: Sketch Meister | Title: Charging Into the New Year (2022) | Time: unknown
Pic #2526

Sketch Meister @ Friday, January 7th 2022, 7:35 PM
Started this one not long after the last pic I did as that was a rush job and I knew I could do better. I took my time by a few days.

And then today I got some REALLY good news and decided fuck it, tiddies and smut let's go.

So yeah, there's a reason Synne doesn't have as much white hair anymore, as Dagrus here can attest.

Also, shout out to the degenerate mind of Mariah, as she sparked the idea a long time ago about how some digital human...."appendages" are rendered by their code.

Dagrus: D8< Did people really have to know I have a glowing red line on my junk?!?!

I mean. I could have added the detail that it shifts in color momentarily when you shift gea-

JDeschain19 @ Friday, January 7th 2022, 7:39 PM
As more and more D-Humans get introduced in the game, using it as an excuse to spice up sex things becomes more and more important.

Nice job tho dude o 3ob Glad for the good news as well, keep the ball rolling * v*
Akurei Nagisa @ Friday, January 7th 2022, 7:45 PM
Ooooh, NICE effects here. 8D I love this, very good detail work, especially with such as the lightning bolt off her cheek. XD

>_> And hey, Dag, don't feel bad, you could have like three glowing blue ones, like someone we know.


; // A;
Crescent @ Friday, January 7th 2022, 7:52 PM
Ooh damn the final version of this turned out real nice o 3o Great little details and I love the hearts and impact effects XD (and yeah, the cheek lightning too XD)

Camille: And hey now, Akurei's Lost Drive adds some nice character >_>
Mooncrafter @ Friday, January 7th 2022, 10:37 PM
I just wanna say how proud I am of all of us for such flagrant horny displays of transhumanism. Best way to celebrate

The Lighting effect on the dick was what I was the most curious to see when you told me it was uploaded, and I was pleasantly surprised at how subtle it was.... Then I looked up and was floored by the amount of energy coming out of her face, like a steam vent for a boiler XD

Lines could use some of the line-correction tools - scale up/down width goes a long way in getting sharp, tapered lines that provide more shape for your drawing. The blush on the skin feels too concentrated in areas, an overly large airbrush tool and soft, gentle strokes goes a long way to help with undertones of skin. There are a few tricks I can show you to help make clean-up a breeze, but the simplest method is to have each flat color on a different layer, or combination of colors on a layer where they don't intersect, and then apply undertones on a layer above with clipping turned on. (No post clean up required, just click and done)

Colors are more saturated than you've done in the past which I dig! You're exploring out of your comfort zone and it shows here :D

[2523] Artist: JDeschain19 | Title: Happy New Year, 2022 | Time: unknown
Pic #2523

JDeschain19 @ Saturday, January 1st 2022, 12:03 AM
Happy New Year ' ^' Much as I did with Frey 3 years ago, have some New Years rep

This version's kind of for ants, I recommend Twitter where you can see it in full and a shortened timelapse:

Graham has embiggened the image u vu Thanku Graham
Sketch Meister @ Saturday, January 1st 2022, 12:22 AM
I love how there is so much cuteness but then TIIIIIITS.

Love the hair color transferring to the ears and tail. o3o

And just wait. Riiko will have her revenge in the Year of the Dragon.
Akurei Nagisa @ Saturday, January 1st 2022, 2:07 AM
I have executed the ancient rites in order to restore the pic to its proper resmolution. u 3u Sorry for the oekaki's native potato-ness.

It's very cute and very menacing in that uniquely Celia way. XD Also like the stripes. o 3o Tiger Power!
Crescent @ Saturday, January 1st 2022, 4:39 PM
Okay yeah this looks a lot better than the original sketcher size version did XD

Don't think I commented much on Discord o 3o; Celia and her stripes look great, and the mouse theme is very appropriate >_>

[2522] Artist: Sketch Meister | Title: This Tiger Doesn't Need More Stripes, Right? (Year of the Tiger) | Time: unknown
Pic #2522

Sketch Meister @ Friday, December 31st 2021, 6:19 PM
Fuck 2021. This was a shit year and 2022 has quite the mess to make up for.

Still, especially as I didn't draw any cow girls for Year of the Ox I figured with my renewed drive to art I may as well get one more pic out.

Here's to a hopefully better year.
Crescent @ Friday, December 31st 2021, 6:22 PM
Really the obvious chocie for Year of the Tiger art XD Also yeah, was I the only one who drew any cowprint? Does that seem right to you? D8

This does look great o 3o Outfit's really nice and jacket completes the look.
Akurei Nagisa @ Friday, December 31st 2021, 6:52 PM
As a Year of the Tiger baby, I can think of no finer representation than the hottest Latina member of our cast. u 3u Outfit is indeed choice as hell.

I like how you blended the scars, too. o 3o

(Edited on December 31, 2021, 6:52 pm)

[2521] Artist: Crescent | Title: Ashley Faire | Time: unknown
Pic #2521

Crescent @ Wednesday, December 29th 2021, 5:43 PM
Complimenting Hana and K' here's some sloppy art for Ashley u 3u

I had a whole mess of design goals with an outfit for her XD But they were basically;

1. An existing notion that she's a bit more fashionable
2. Wanting to catch how she both compliments and contrasts Iris' style
3. Wanting to use her to anchor together the Fairlions visually (namely how Iris wears brighter colors but Hana and K' both wear blacks)
4. Of course establish Ashley's own vibe that incorporates some punky elements.

Found some unexpected inspiration, but like how the look's turned out o 3o Was considering some sort of design or brand name or something on the athletic pants, but was worried about overdoing it.

I'd say all the Fairlions have proper art now, but I may decide to do a matching Iris sketch like this since the concept sketch for her new outfit was bland > 3>
Sketch Meister @ Wednesday, December 29th 2021, 6:05 PM
I REALLY dig Ashley's design, here. The contrasts here with the violet to tie it all together works so well here.
Akurei Nagisa @ Friday, December 31st 2021, 6:54 PM
...Holy SHIT, what a glow-up. o Ao This is leaps and bounds beyond the last Ashley depiction, and honestly I'm very into it! That corset! That color scheme!! Ezio, appreciate this!

Angelo: u ^u ::nods sagely::
Sketch Meister @ Sunday, January 9th 2022, 3:32 PM
Ezio: W-Wait, why bring me up in this matter?! D8

[2520] Artist: Sketch Meister | Title: Some Broken Coding! (Sidhemon) | Time: unknown
Pic #2520

Sketch Meister @ Monday, December 27th 2021, 9:59 PM
And one more! This one was more of a rush job but I still had some fun with it.

Man. This clothing error issue really needs to get patched out, huh Gabriel?
Akurei Nagisa @ Monday, December 27th 2021, 10:13 PM
Oh, excellent! Really good work capturing the…well, showing how her outfit is getting completely destroyed while her Tamer just ALLOWS THIS like an IDIOT D8<

Gabriel: I don’t—I didn’—Alice here a blanket I—

Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. D8<

I actually ended up liking her jewelry and headband better this way, and the proportions are perfect. u 3u
Crescent @ Monday, December 27th 2021, 10:17 PM
Look maybe Gabirel doesn't want to update his firmware >_>

Yeah, the porportions are real nice o 3o And I always like the pixelated effects of clothing coming on/off > 3>
Akurei Nagisa @ Monday, December 27th 2021, 10:21 PM
If Gabriel doesn’t want to upgrade his firmware maybe someone should take that firmware away, and replace it with a sandal. To his face. D8<

Gabriel: ; 3; What are we even talking about in this context?!

[2519] Artist: Crescent | Title: Kikyo Goh Tong | Time: unknown
Pic #2519

Crescent @ Monday, December 27th 2021, 5:21 PM
Here's some updated art for the Fairlions' resident rocker, K' o 3o

I decided a while back that she was going to get bleached hair, which is the major change here. Her hairstyle was going to nebulously be a bit different, but actually wound up fairly similar, just a bit shorter with the shave on her right side creating some contrast.

Wanted her wardrobe to better reflect her rock 'n roll persona, which has definitely been accomplished. Was also determined on some more midriff after MHY did a crime with Shenhe's v 3v Her shirt features a loose take on a logo for Ambivalent Black Rose, the band K' plays bass in.

Not my best art or anything, but proud of how much personality I wound up getting out of it o 3o Compared to Hana, whom I was more conscious of my choice of colors a bit, particularly in regards to her makeup to try and differentiate her a bit from Jade (and Cassandra), I didn't have any qualms going in hard on blacks here thanks to K's more unique niche.
Sketch Meister @ Monday, December 27th 2021, 5:31 PM

This is some great personality here, though. You definitely caught the vibe more than usual.
Akurei Nagisa @ Friday, December 31st 2021, 6:57 PM
Fuck yeah. XD I've always had a soft spot for K', but this is her best design yet.

[2518] Artist: Crescent | Title: Big Enough Tiddy Goth GF | Time: unknown
Pic #2518

Crescent @ Monday, December 27th 2021, 5:12 PM
Since I really did like the general look, here's just a quick edit of the Hana art I did to fix the leg issues o 3o Sadly means no real peak at garters though u 3u

Also very briefly played with her eyeshadow a bit; eraser with the brush opacity turned down wasn't doing terribly good and FireAlpaca doesn't have an innate fade tool, I'll just have to look for a fade brush for it o 3o;
Sketch Meister @ Monday, December 27th 2021, 5:30 PM
Watch your anatomy as the leg further from the front needs a slight shift to properly work, but otherwise yo I dig this.

Question is how big is she without the clothing boost? >.>
Crescent @ Monday, December 27th 2021, 5:34 PM
Yeah, I made a very small edit to the side of that leg, noticed it still wasn't quite perfect when I went to post, but was too lazy >_> Just happy enough that it looks less Wrong XD

Without the boost, she's like small C? Plenty to have fun with > 3>
Akurei Nagisa @ Tuesday, December 28th 2021, 9:17 AM
I love the title. XD

Also yeah, this works much better, no more confusing garter pose. That top and that collar are still hot. u 3u Best Fairlion.

[2517] Artist: Sketch Meister | Title: Luxos Takes a Selfie | Time: unknown
Pic #2517

Sketch Meister @ Sunday, December 26th 2021, 1:25 PM
Who taught Luxos about selfies? Why would they teach her lewd selfies?

Because. It's for the culture.

Also HEY! Another lewd pic in under 24 hours!

(Edited on December 26, 2021, 1:27 pm)
Akurei Nagisa @ Sunday, December 26th 2021, 2:39 PM

Mittens: * 3* ::is clearly too busy ogling the selfie to have taught Luxos this::

Hermes: ::has booked a flight out of the country to avoid consequences for teaching Luxos this::

GOD DAMN IT. D8< Also, Luxos, did you use your TAIL to--THE LEWDNESS! D8< I am FURIOUS!!!

(All kidding aside, this came out really really nice. o uo I think your work on proportions helps it shine!)
Sketch Meister @ Sunday, December 26th 2021, 2:54 PM
Still working on exaggerating proportions on Digimon. ExUmbromon felt like a hippy species. >.>
Crescent @ Sunday, December 26th 2021, 5:07 PM
Well, I mean with her tail visible, I feel like the implication is she went to the effort of setting an auto-timer, which makes it all the more deliberately lewd XD

This came out nice, your blacks are great here o 3o

[2516] Artist: Sketch Meister | Title: Doctors Off-Duty | Time: unknown
Pic #2516

Sketch Meister @ Saturday, December 25th 2021, 2:48 PM
I guess this vacation finally stuck some sort of landing if I can draw again. Not entirely proud of this one but screw it, it's the first pic I've been able to start and complete within 24 hours I'm calling this a win.

Just have to love how Mariah has to show me how to do shit almost every time I look at it only for the next day I can use it no problem. The stress is real, folks.

So real that this pic is basically one Dr. Spinneret deciding to de-stress after a hectic day with one Dr. Sherwood.

....Day was so bad she didn't even bother get the entire uniform off. >.>
Akurei Nagisa @ Saturday, December 25th 2021, 2:57 PM
I’d say “dang Cass, slow down”, but I know she’s absolutely not going to do that. XD;

I think this is a fine return to form! CSP is a bit of a tricksy program, but you’ve got a handle on it now, looks like. Great saliva work too.
Sketch Meister @ Saturday, December 25th 2021, 2:58 PM
Like I just told Jason I feel like every time I try to treat CSP like SAI I hit a wall, only to wake up the next day and finding a gaping hole where the wall used to be.

Am I going Hulk while I sleep and making my settings?
Crescent @ Saturday, December 25th 2021, 3:05 PM
Look it can be fine to rush, especially if the important bits are off anyway >_>

This does look great, props on the lightning o 3o Do like Cass art since DU lacks many more goth-y looking types XD Saliva and lipstick are also a great touch > 3>
JDeschain19 @ Saturday, December 25th 2021, 3:31 PM
Good work, I'm glad CSP is jiving with you! It's a fantastic program. :)

Also, with the kind of people Hank has to treat every day, this better be round the clock service as needed.

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