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[86] Artist: Mooncrafter | Title: There's a theme that they can't touch | Time: 1h 8m
Pic #86

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Mooncrafter @ Thursday, August 6th 2009, 10:44 PM
some friggin' adorable to make up for their scariness eariler
Sketch Meister @ Thursday, August 6th 2009, 10:51 PM
Hunter @ Thursday, August 6th 2009, 11:06 PM
O.o ok wow. that is cute. Very cute

almost too cute *goes to check blood sugar* X3

amazing Mariah, just... amazingly drawn

[85] Artist: Mooncrafter | Title: Dark Lady | Time: 1h 3m
Pic #85

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Mooncrafter @ Thursday, August 6th 2009, 9:10 PM
And of course, the Virus'd Tamer herself.
Sketch Meister @ Thursday, August 6th 2009, 9:12 PM
Karl: ;_; Why are you doing this? Why?

O_O; Wow. It DOES look like a screenshot from a game.

Hunter @ Thursday, August 6th 2009, 9:13 PM
you can tell she's evil by the black upside down moon

light joking aside... wow. That's creepy with the eyes and the black lipstick. This is REALLY good Mariah
Mooncrafter @ Thursday, August 6th 2009, 9:17 PM
Thanks ^^;;

I did the upside down black moon because she's supposed to be in her fuku type thing. Lupimon has a normal white moon on her cheek, but when virus'd, it inverses, so I did the same for Chelsea here.
Hunter @ Thursday, August 6th 2009, 9:28 PM
well I figured there was a reason it was there ^^ I mean other than the whole icy moon thing

*two thumbs up*
YoshinoSuki @ Friday, August 7th 2009, 7:14 AM
It really does look like a game screenshot. O_o; Holy crap.

Very nice work.

@Erik: >_> Well of course. The upside down moon is in the MANUAL for recognizing evil characters. Course it only worked out in one season, but IT WORKED.

Robyn: T_T I'll get my other self in here to kick your ass for that.

>_>;; Ummm~... I'll pass. ^_^; Keep her in the world she came from..

Aph: But Cross-Universe jumps are so exciting. X3

Shaddap. D:

[84] Artist: Mooncrafter | Title: Animal I've Become | Time: 1h 12m
Pic #84

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Mooncrafter @ Thursday, August 6th 2009, 7:54 PM
Yeaa... I really liked my old Virus'd idea for Serenity and Chelsea... maybe I'll find a way of fitting it in later somehow.

Edit: made the matrix thing whatev less blinding
Hunter @ Thursday, August 6th 2009, 8:02 PM
o.o spooky
Sketch Meister @ Thursday, August 6th 2009, 8:03 PM
O_O;;;; Holy shit. Um.. uber the scary. O___O;;;; I definitely like the background you put there. Also, AWESOME eyes.

Locke: O______O;;; Eep.
Mooncrafter @ Thursday, August 6th 2009, 8:13 PM
Yea, the uber teh scary is the reason why I really wanted these two Virus'd ID;
YoshinoSuki @ Friday, August 7th 2009, 7:15 AM
I love it overall... *distracted by purple* *_*

Suki: This is why half of her character base winds up with purple color schemes. -.-;

I like purple. It ain't a crime. D:

>_> And~ I know it's kinda weird, but I like the way the lip looks in her growl... ^^;;
Mooncrafter @ Friday, August 7th 2009, 8:13 AM
Really? I was afraid that it wouldn't turn out okay. I didn't use any refferences ^^;

[68] Artist: Mooncrafter | Title: Ready For Love | Time: 59m 37s
Pic #68

Mooncrafter @ Monday, August 3rd 2009, 1:52 AM
Figured I'd go ahead and put up her thought process.. Good example is the song Ready For Love by Cascada.

... yay pretty colors?
Akurei Nagisa @ Monday, August 3rd 2009, 1:57 AM
Dang. *>.>*

Hermes: *o_o* Girl, you do not need that self-doubt, is all I'm sayin'. Even someone as crazy as th' DJ over there can see that. >_>
YoshinoSuki @ Monday, August 3rd 2009, 1:58 AM
Oh very nice! I like it. All embarrassed. X3

Seriously, I love the blush. <3
Hunter @ Monday, August 3rd 2009, 2:00 AM
Hunter: ... *hugs Chelsea* No one hates you, I promise
Sketch Meister @ Monday, August 3rd 2009, 2:07 AM
Daaaw. Trust me, you are much loved.

The DJ/Karl: *hugs her tight* Never doubt my love for you, darling...

;_; Oh dammit don't be romantic NOW..
Mooncrafter @ Monday, August 3rd 2009, 2:13 AM
Chelsea: -clings to Karl- .....

Coloring has always been my favorite thing in the world.

[62] Artist: Mooncrafter | Title: Sailor Icy Moon Portrait | Time: 1h 59m
Pic #62

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Mooncrafter @ Monday, August 3rd 2009, 12:24 AM
yeeeaaa..... I wish I could draw fast like you guys D:
Sketch Meister @ Monday, August 3rd 2009, 12:39 AM
*_* oh god she sparkles. She spaaaaaarkles!

The DJ: ^_^ She does, doesn't she? *has on the shades*
YoshinoSuki @ Monday, August 3rd 2009, 1:30 AM
Fast? X_X It takes me forever. X_x;

I love it~! And yes, the spaaaaarkles!
Akurei Nagisa @ Monday, August 3rd 2009, 1:30 AM
She's really pretty! :O ...But she has the dumpling-head! XD; Conundrum.

Hermes: ...>_>; I ain't sayin' shit, her boyfriend scares me.
Mooncrafter @ Monday, August 3rd 2009, 1:53 AM
She may have the buns, but she doesn't have odango-tails. They're just odangos by themselves.

[51] Artist: Mooncrafter | Title: Sailor Icy Moon | Time: 1h 38m
Pic #51

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Mooncrafter @ Sunday, August 2nd 2009, 6:06 AM
I'm not done with it, just taking a break... and Timer lies. I went off and did a few things here and there

Edit: yay! It's done!
YoshinoSuki @ Saturday, August 1st 2009, 4:23 AM
Cuuuute. ^.^~ I love the chibiness. ^_^
Mooncrafter @ Saturday, August 1st 2009, 4:55 AM
Thanks, though lineless usually doesn't agree much with me half the time. Takes way too long ;~;
YoshinoSuki @ Saturday, August 1st 2009, 6:35 AM
But this looks good. ^.^ *pat pat!*
Sketch Meister @ Saturday, August 1st 2009, 6:51 AM
*_* Eeeee adorable! It looks like a keychain plushie! *_*

Akurei Nagisa @ Sunday, August 2nd 2009, 6:13 AM
D'AWWWW. ^.^ It does look like a keychain plushie!

Hermes: >_>; That'll stab you.

>_> Shut up, Hermes.
YoshinoSuki @ Sunday, August 2nd 2009, 6:27 AM
I love the final version with the weapon and her name! <3 Still plushie-like, but even better now. X3
Mooncrafter @ Sunday, August 2nd 2009, 6:39 AM
Thanks ^-^

I need to do one of her final fuku design, her spear gets really detailed and has wings coming off at the merging piece

Chelsea: ................-STABS Graham and Cam- I DO NOT LOOK LIKE A @#$%ING PLUSHIE!!!
Hunter @ Sunday, August 2nd 2009, 6:42 AM
sure it does :3
I remember sailor moon chibi keychains just like that *is wearing armor* ^_^

seriously, its very cute Mariah

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